Welcome to the SOGH 2021 Annual Clinical Meeting!


This meeting app will serve to connect those of us here at the Drake in Chicago with members of our SOGH community who were unable to join us in person this year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people and call attention to some special events for the week.


  • Our outstanding faculty, bios and agenda can be found in the app navigation. General Session will be Live Streamed while workshops remain live only.  
  • Please thank and visit with our exhibitors and sponsors live or via the virtual exhibit hall
  • We’d like to thank and recognize our Organizational Members ObHG, Team Health and Advent Health
  • We greatly appreciate our ACM and SIM committees for all of their hard work pulling this meeting together in extraordinary times

    Don’t miss the following special events!

    • Sunday 6:30 PM CT
      My Kind of Town: Welcome Reception and Opening of the Exhibit Hall
    • Tuesday 11:45 AM -12:55 PM CT
      Future Leaders Trainee Roundtable Luncheon sponsored collaboratively by ObHG and SOGH
    • Tuesday 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM CT
      SOGH Members Business meeting  will be live streamed
    • Tuesday 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CT
      Poster Session sponsored in part by Mednax.
      Posters are located on Tuesday’s agenda and can be viewed on demand throughout the meeting.
    • Tuesday 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM CT
      Edutainment Escape Room SIM sponsored in part by Alydia Health
    • Tuesday 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM CT
      Farewell Networking Dinner
    • Wednesday 7:00 AM – 7:55 AM CT
      Committee Opportunities Networking Tables
      Join us and get more involved in SOGH! Learn more about SOGH Committees >>

    Join us for the following Industry Sponsored Symposia

    Sessions will be hosted in the Drake Room and livestreamed for virtual attendees.

    • Monday 7:00 AM CT
      Moving the Needle for Postpartum Hemorrhage and Abnormal Postpartum Uterine Bleeding

      Eileen Reardon, MD
      Presented by Alydia Health

    • Monday 11:45 AM CT
      Build Your Fortress of Protection: You Earn the Money, We’ll Help You Keep It
      Art McOmber
      Presented by Fortune Law Firm


    • Tuesday 7:00 AM CT
      Fetal Pillow: Elevating A Deeply Engaged Head During Second Stage C-Sections
      Innes Taylor
      Jane van Dis, MD, FACOG
      Presented by Cooper Surgical

    Network, Learn, Enjoy!


    ACM Program Chairs
    Brook Thomson and Julianne Di Martino

    SIM Committee Chairs
    Tori O’Daniel and Eileen Reardon

    Save the Date for Next Year’s Meeting!
